Gerald Fischer
Contact Info
Phone: +436642288888
Gerald Fischer
Managing Director and founding member in 2003
Baccalauréat in the Lycée Français de Vienne and University


Gerald Fischer
Born 14 May 1959
Lives in Vienna, Austria

Education and professional experience
Baccalaureat from Lycee Francais de Vienna and University studies in World Trade Vienna. Country manager in Tunisia, Egypt, India, Greece and Kenya for the largest European tour operator. In 1987 launched his own travel agency chain and took over the family business, Fischer Spirits (5th generation).

Patient advocacy training
Course at the London School of Economics and Political Science on Health Technology Assessment in Health Care Decision Making in 2010.

Management at PHA Europe
Founding member in 2003, President and CEO from 2009 till end of 2015. Fundraising manager and office manager in the headquarters of the association in Vienna since 2016. Numerous speaking engagements over past years. CEO since 2019.

Other positions

  • After his daughter was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in 1998, Gerry founded a research association in Vienna, which led later to the setting up of the PH Ludwig Boltzmann Institute (LBI) in Graz.
  • Since 2002 he is President and CEO of the Austrian pulmonary hypertension patient association, which has 450 patients as active members (with a total population of 8 million, this equals over 50 patients per million).
  • Gerry is Member of the Council of the Ministry of Health in Austria, representing patients with a rare disease, since 2012.
  • In 2014 he received the Golden Medal of Honor for special achievements for the Republic of Austria from the Austrian President for his work for PH patients.
  • Gerry has also received the Austrian titles “Counselor of the Chancellor” and “Senator of the Chamber of Commerce” (2008 and 2005 respectively)
  • In 2015 Gerry he was nominated “Periwinkle Pioneer” by PHA, the USA pulmonary hypertension patient association. This honor recognizes those who have played a unique and distinctive role in changing the history of pulmonary hypertension.

German native speaker, fluent in English and French.

Golf, vintage cars & bikes, Art & Fine Dining.

Never ever give up! Never ever give up!
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