Welcoming new ERS President for 2021-2022: Marc Humbert

Welcoming new ERS President for 2021-2022: Marc Humbert

Marc Humbert, MD, PhD, Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the Université Paris-Saclay in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, has been elected for ERS President for the coming 12 months starting from September. Among his most important contributions to the field, Marc Humbert has published major original contributions on genetics, pathophysiology, epidemiology, screening, treatment and risk stratification of PAH.

Marc Humbert is the vice-coordinator of ERN-Lung.

PHA Europe has a long and very fruitful collaboration with Professor Humbert and we hope that during his presidency even more attention will be paid to rare lung diseases.

Similarly, ERS works very closely with the European Lung Foundation to ensure that the patient perspective is included across multiple projects, and I strongly support the work that our organisations do in unison to ensure the patient is at the centre of what we do.” – said Professor Humbert.

The full interview is available from here.

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