Presidential greeting

Presidential greeting


Dear friends,

My name is Danijela Pešić and I am the current president of PHA Europe.
As many of you know, the organization has existed since 2003 and gathers around itself almost all European countries.

Our goal is to help all patients, their caregivers, and together with the profession and decision-makers, to enable a better life for all PH patients.

For all the years of existence, we went through difficult moments, but we never gave up. Our common strength, united action to raise awareness of PH, has brought us to the place of one of the most active organizations in Europe.
Pulmonary hypertension is a severe, progressive, and deadly disease and without treatment and adequate care, the average life expectancy of a person with PH is less than 3 years.

Regardless of that, with our engagement in the fields where our patients do not have adequate support, we managed to help many.

It’s time for PH patients to stop feeling lonely. We are here for them.

I would like to use this occasion to promise that we will continue our passion work with the same strength, and dedication. I want to stand by you and to deeply understand the problems, misunderstanding and sometimes despair of every PH patient, and to show them that they are not alone and that they have us. United, sharing knowledge and with the strong will to save all lives.

After all, I stand here before you not only as the president of this organization but also as a patient who suffers from PH my entire life. Yes, that is possible, and that’s why you must never lose hope.

Please, if you have any doubts, any fears, if you won’t be part of our family, contact us, we are here to listen to you and to help you.

Danijela Pešić
Board of Directors, President of
European Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA Europe)

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