International Workshop on Lung Health – A Golden age in Respiratory Research – 20-22 January 2022

International Workshop on Lung Health – A Golden age in Respiratory Research – 20-22 January 2022

Welcome to the 9th Workshop on Lung Health

Dear Colleagues & Friends,

It’s a great pleasure – as Presidents and Chairmen – to announce you the 9th Edition of the International Workshop on Lung Health which will take place from January 20-22, 2022 in the historical and, in many way, surprising city of The Hague (The Netherlands).

In 2021, our traditional and family meeting was held in a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite all the difficulties and emergencies of the period, the E-Workshop was a great success and an excellent occasion to update on the latest findings and share knowledge.

In 2022 we strongly believe we will have the opportunity to meet in a face to face Workshop, to resume our usual 3 days appointment, where friends, colleagues and all the players involved in the research and progress of the respiratory diseases field can convene.

Looking at our recent past and our challenging future perspective, the “fil rouge” of the 9th edition will be “A Golden Age in Respiratory Research”. COVID-19 indicated us the urgent, indispensable, and invaluable need of a stronger commitment in our field of research: only focusing on this aspect we will be able to face properly the next emerging medical challenges.

Considering, the inputs from all 2021 attendees, partners and faculty members, we have developed a First Preliminary Programme which you can already find in the relative web site section.

As Committee members, we would like to stress, once again, the importance of participants’ contribution for the success of the initiative. Therefore, considering the limitation in dialogue and mutual cultural exchanges in this last period, even more time will be devoted to discussion, interaction and contribution from the audience. In addition some new interactive opportunities, inspired also to some experienced format of the 8th IWLH Virtual Workshop will be added to the programme.

As in the past 8 years, one of our advocacy goal are the initiatives dedicated to Junior Clinicians and Researchers, who will be protagonists of the 2022 edition as well.

The Future Leaders Mentoring Programme (FUHEL) will undergo some important remodeling, with the aim of becoming an international “Hub&Lab” for respiratory diseases research, in order to stimulate the development of new projects delineated by the youngest researchers and evaluated by the plenary room and an experts’ panel.

Furthermore, the year by year success of the Rising Stars Programme, encourages us to pursue this activity giving the opportunity to young clinicians and researchers to present their valuable work, in front of an international audience, and become for the first time part of the Congress faculty.

We look forward to consolidate the existing cooperation with national and international associations for the promotion of the meeting as well as the increase of the initiatives dedicated to the younger ones, strengthening the promotional efforts and opportunities within the whole potential stakeholders.

Last but not least, we invite you all to bring your contribution to the Poster Calls and on site sessions: only by sharing projects, results and discussions points we will be able to face the new extremely crucial world challenges in Respiratory Research.

We look forward to welcoming you in the historical frame of Den Haag!

You can read more about this here.

Yours Sincerely,
The Organising Secretariat
On behalf of the IWLH Presidents and Chairmen

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