
We keep you up-to-date about the happenings on the field of PH and rare diseases and provide you with healthcare-related news in the European Union and beyond.

Article in Health Europa Quarterly

Article in Health Europa Quarterly

Our project manager, Hall Skaara gave a long interview about how the treatment of PH patients can be ameliorated. The article not only covered the work and initiative of PHA Europe, but gave insight to the general understanding of pulmonary hypertension, its treatment and how the quality of life of the patients can improve.
International Workshop on Lung Health – A Golden age in Respiratory Research – 20-22 January 2022

International Workshop on Lung Health – A Golden age in Respiratory Research – 20-22 January 2022

Welcome to the 9th Workshop on Lung Health Dear Colleagues & Friends, It’s a great pleasure – as Presidents and Chairmen – to announce you the 9th Edition of the International Workshop on Lung Health which will take place from January 20-22, 2022 in the historical and, in many way, surprising city of The Hague […]
APHEC 2020

APHEC 2020

PHA Europe has run an annual conference for many years in a row. We usually meet in a hotel by the beach just south of Barcelona. We call it APHEC (Annual PH European Conference). The participants are leaders of the European national associations. They are invited to bring an extra person – often a translator, […]
ERS Vision Live: Living with rare respiratory diseases through the COVID-19 pandemic

ERS Vision Live: Living with rare respiratory diseases through the COVID-19 pandemic

The European Respiratory Society (ERS) works with leaders in respiratory education to assess training and development needs and identify appropriate teaching and learning methods. As a result of this work “ERS Vision Live” series have been launched with the aim of covering the latest advances in respiratory medicine and support health professionals to continually improve […]
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