Mariposa Journal

We have collected the main initiatives of our members and of us into these colorful journals. Usually two editions published yearly: one of them is fully dedicated to our main awareness raising event, World Pulmonary Hypertension Day (WPHD), the other one covers the full year of other events and projects.

Mariposa Journal – 2013 Winter N.11

Mariposa Journal – 2013 Winter N.11

Dear friends, welcome to the Winter 2013 edition of Mariposa, PHA Europe’s official journal. Another busy and exciting year has gone by and I take this opportunity to thank our member associations for their precious collaboration and support. Together we have come a long way and have made big steps forward in the process that […]
Mariposa Journal – 2013 Summer N.10

Mariposa Journal – 2013 Summer N.10

Dear members, supporters and friends, welcome to this special edition of the Summer 2013 Mariposa Journal, which reports on the inspirational activities from the “Get Breathless for Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)” campaign and IRONMAN Europe, to mark the second World Pulmonary Hypertension Day (WPHD).
Mariposa Journal – 2012 Winter N.9

Mariposa Journal – 2012 Winter N.9

Dear members, supporters and friends,it is my great pleasure to introduce the Winter 2012 edition of Mariposa, PHA Europe’s official journal. The year is soon coming to an end and I take this opportunity to summarize PHA Europe’s main achievements and to share some thoughts about the current and future role of PHA Europe. I […]
Mariposa News – 2012 Summer n.8

Mariposa News – 2012 Summer n.8

Dear friends, I am delighted to introduce the Summer 2012 edition of Mariposa News, PHA Europe’s official journal. The past six months have been very busy for PHA Europe and its members with many new and interesting developments. On Rare Disease Day, FEBRUARY29, PHA Europe successfully launched its second pan-European “Breathtaking” awareness campaign, under the […]
Mariposa News – 2012 Spring n.7 SE

Mariposa News – 2012 Spring n.7 SE

Welcome to the Spring 2012 edition of Mariposa News. This is a special issue reporting on PHAEurope’s “Breathtaking” awareness campaign. The campaign, led by PHA Europe and supported by Bayer HealthCare, was launched on International Rare Disease Day (RDD), 29th February 2012, under the patronage of Eurordis, the European Organization for Rare Diseases.
Mariposa News – 2011 Summer n.5

Mariposa News – 2011 Summer n.5

Activities of PH patient associations in Europe and around the world. EURORDIS 4th Workshop of the Council of European Federations. PHA Europe at Lisbon, Vienna and Dresden events. Monitoring developments in the European Institutions and NGO’s. Update on PH treatments and research on PH drugs. Upcoming events for 2011.
Mariposa News – 2010 Winter n.3

Mariposa News – 2010 Winter n.3

Activities of PH patient associations in Europe and around the world. PHA Europe at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Stockholm. European PH leaders meet in Barcelonafor the Annual General Assembly of PHA Europe. ESC Educational Course on PH in Sophia Antipolis. Update on PH treatments and research on PH drugs. Monitoring developments in […]
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