European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products

European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products

The ECRD is recognised globally as the largest, patient-led rare disease policy event in which collaborative dialogue, learning and conversation takes place, forming the groundwork to shape goal-driven rare disease policies and allow for important and innovative discussions on a national and an international level
ESOT International Transplant Science (ITS) meeting

ESOT International Transplant Science (ITS) meeting

B cells, Protective and Pathogenic Antibodies, Biomarkers/Big data, Innate Immunity, Scientific leadership in Transplantation, Marginal organs & ex-vivo machine perfusion, Mechanisms of alloimmunity and Tolerance, COVID-19 – immunological response to vaccination, Basic mechanisms of organ regeneration, Biobanks and Bioassays.
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