Sabina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Sabina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
My name is Sabina. I was born in Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, small country in Europe. Now, I teach children physics and I dedicated my whole life to these fields of science. Transfer of knowledge and the moment little „light bulb“ goes on makes me very happy.
My first encounter with PH was some seven years ago, when my mum was diagnosed with PH. That moment of knowing the diagnosis and what PH is made my world crash. It was mostly fear from the unknown, many questions what to do next and what next step is. After accepting the diagnosis, we found out that there was some number of people in our country with same diagnosis. We also found out that the position of patients with PH in our country was very hard and that we have to come together to make changes. We strive to do this even today.
That was the main reason for founding of the association, to help patients with PH to understand what they are going through, to make healthcare professionals know what PH patients need and to try and make change in laws of our country to help PH patients.