Roman, PH Moldova
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- Roman, PH Moldova
Roman, PH Moldova
I’m Roman Balmush, live in Chisinau and I got my Applied Math degree at Moldavian State university. I’m a Bachelor of Fine Arts and have a degree in Informational Law.
From 2007 I’ve been working at a private company as a Project Manager in the fields of Data Centers, Video and Access Security, Local Area Networks, etc.
I’m a happy father of a four year son and greatly appreciate spending time with him. I like reading a lot, dancing and boardgaming being at the second place of my hobbies.
Since February 2015 I’ve felt some unusual pressure while breathing, but all medical examinations showed that I’ healthier than 90% of other persons of my age. But my personal feeling of my health was worsening and I continued different kinds of investigations till I heard about PH. That was in July 2016. My health was continuously worsening, so now I’m working from home, 24/24 connected to oxygen.
In 2017 I learned that there are some more patients with PH in Moldova and thought that it would be great to create a point of knowledge, a group, where patients and their relatives could get more information about PH and to ease the interaction with state organization. But the people in Moldova are not so eager to join such communities, even created online. The majority of PH patients in Moldova are elders, beginning with 60 and so on, living in different corners of Moldova, so live meetings and social discussions are hard to organize. But we make small steps forward and hope for a better life in Moldova and a more conscious population that will know about PH and us.