Bogdan Heinrich Burduja
Bogdan Heinrich Burduja


Bogdan Heinrich Burduja
Born on 12.09.1971 Romania

Education and professional experience

Since 1986 after finishing primary and secondary school I entered high school , profile high school catering.
After I graduated from high school in 1990 I entered to post secondary school, edu- superio which I graduated from in 1995.
Then I started working in the Ministry of Interior Police in the town of Sinaia as a nurse , where I currently carry out this activity.

PHA Europe position

In 2011 I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension associated professor Ion Coman of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Fundeni-Bucharest where I was introduced to the national program of medication.
Five year ago I founded the Association pulmonary hypertension patients in Romania , and served as president of the association.

The major objective of my work in this association is the association with similar organizations in the country and abroad , cooperation with authorities and medical institutions , medical research in the field of rare disease patients and pulmonary hypertension.

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