PHA Europe is an umbrella association. Our members are national PH associations. There are two main types of memberships: standard and non-standard members.
Standard members are European national PH organizations recognized in their country as nonprofit associations. Non-standard members can be organizations with registered offices not in Europe (or with a primary interest which is not PH as a medication condition).
If you are interested in becoming a member of PHA Europe, voice your interest by writing an email to Tell us a little bit about yourself and we will get back to you. We run an annual conference in a central place in Europe (often Barcelona) in the fall. One or two representatives from each association meet at this conference. We will, most likely, invite you to join us at the conference. Here you will learn more about us, meet representatives from the other associations, hear the latest news about PH, meet our industry partners, etc. We will cover your travel and accommodation costs. After the conference, you will be able to make a more qualified decision, if you would like to become part of PHA Europe. At the subsequent annual conference, your application will be presented to the members which will vote to accept your application or not.
We are very open to new applications, as we would like to expand our umbrella association. Together we are strong and we will work hard in helping to build and support your association. If you are a new association, we have a program called «The White Spot Program» that will apply to you. In the program, we help you to set up your association as non profit with a template of statutes, to build a website, to create an online presence on social media, to create an image brochure, etc. If you are already an established association, the «Capacity Building Program» will help you mature. We give financial support to activities like fundraising, hot-line support, etc.
So please don’t hesitate to contact us, if you want to learn more about us and to become a member of us. We are a professional umbrella association, who in 2018 won the Eurordis award for best umbrella association in Europe.